Ready, set, and off we go!


The tortoise and the hare.

When I was young, this was one of my least favorite stories.  I hated reading about the tortoise and the hare, because the dashing, beautiful hare never won.  He was faster, he was (in my young opinion!) more intelligent, and in general, deserved to win.  But noooo, the little tortoise always came up from behind, and while my boy hare was nibbling on a stalk of hay, checking out the clouds, tortoise plodded over the finish line.

I have a son on the autism spectrum.  He is 3.  He has a few words, a gut-wrenchingly beautiful smile, sly brown eyes, and a generous personality.  He loves his 1 yr old sister totally…shares toys and snacks and joy with her.  She is his “sweetie pie,” his “sissy,” his “baby sissy.” 

He is my tortoise. 

The story feels very different to me this time around.  The hare, he’s okay, but he doesn’t need anyone rooting for him, you know?  He can take care of himself, and live to win another race in some other story.  But my little tortoise?  He needs me.  And he needs his sister and dad and anyone else who is able and willing to be a part of our life.  And there are many out there…I just have to get up the courage to let them in, and let them support me.

And knowing how the story goes, my little guy will cross the finish line. 

And I will bring you along on the journey.

13 thoughts on “Ready, set, and off we go!

  1. Oh wow. This was a beautiful beautiful post. I came here to your blog through Mad Momma, and I would love to spend some time getting to know you and your little tortoise.

    me: thanks and welcome!

  2. Your son is adorable, and i wish I could meet him! I really do, I’m not just saying it for the sake of it. Not sure why though.

    Your posts are heartwarmingly beautiful and endearing. All the best.

  3. Nik is adorable !! When ever I happen to travel to west coast I’d love to meet you. Great blog ! I’ll follow the posts as often as possible.

    Cheers and God bless,

  4. Just came across this post.Very touching.I’m really proud of you.Just remember we are always there for you and your wonderful family.

  5. Very touching! I have no other words. As parents we face so much and I think expressing it and seeking support makes it a little better.
    I have a 21 month old with myriad of food allergies and that is what prompted me to blog!
    I am rooting for the tortoise!!

  6. I came across your blog , from your comment on some1 else’s blog. I realize, i m reading each post of yours with greater interest than the previous one… Kudos to the way, u put things. Your perspective of Hare especially the line where u say ” He can take care of himself, and live to win another race in some other story” is mind-blowing.

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