
Nine years.

Nine years ago, a little miracle showed up in my life, forever changing me, teaching me these lessons: I have no control over people. I was humbled down to my knees, my arrogance stripped away, and then had my confidence built up again, as well as trust in my ability to be a ferocious parent. I learned to depend on others to help me with him. I learned that it truly takes a village to raise a child.

And he has thrived and grown and is loved and loves back. His joys are video games and reading and asking big concept questions. His goal in life is to spend the least amount of time working to make the most amount of money (really.)

He redefines “normal” on a daily basis.

And I am happy. And blessed to be his mother.

Happy Ninth birthday to my Little Tortoise.

Favorites. Nikhil, Age 8.

Color: Blue
Friend: Matthew (in his class)
Drink: Sprite
Food: Pizza
Thing to do: Play video games
Thing at School: Looking up Bug Bites on the internet (“Well, you gotta know your bug bites!”)
Teacher: Ms. Ryann
Season: Summer.  (“Because you don’t have to work.”)
Animal: Wolf (“There are so many choices to choose from!”)
Toy: Legos
Restaurant: Chicago Fire (pizza)
Movie Character: Batman
Movie: 007 Skyfall
Ice cream: Cookies and Cream
Game: Trampoline football (at Natalie’s house)
Vacation: Dallas.  “I’d like to go to Hawaii.”

Long time gone…

And it’s certainly been a while since I’ve posted…

I had some unsavory sorts contact me through my blog, and that drove me to stay away for a while.  It just felt tainted to me, but it has been always on my mind, and I’ve regretted the posts I haven’t written.  While facebook has been the happy recipient of my kids’ witticisms and pics, it doesn’t seem as permanent or easily read as this blog…so I am back.

I also have another idea for a blog that came about from some pics I was posting on facebook…when it’s ready, I’ll share!

In the meantime, here’s something from Nik to hold you over…

Nik (lying down with me on the couch): I really love you mom.
Me: I love you too, Nik.
Nik: I don’t want you to die.
Me: Will you miss me when I’m dead?
Nik: Yeah. (sniffs a little, then…) There’s so much I don’t know how to do.
Me: Like what?
Nik: I don’t know how to get a job…
Me: Don’t worry, baby, I’ll help you, and your teachers in college will too, and your dad will.

Poor little guy.  The weight of the world is already becoming a burden…